Contact us

How to get in touch

For further details please Call us:

Membership 01782 303225 –  Mobile 07872187639                                                                Contact: Hilary Pickin

Walk Coordinator 01782 634903- Contact: Phil Burgess

Secretary 07920 023807 – Karl Lawton

or send us an email:

Email: [email protected] – Contact: Karl Lawton

Contact form


Try us before you join

We suggest you try a couple of walks with us before you join the club so that you can see whether you like it and us. Unless you are already an experienced walker you should start with a C or a D walk and progress to the longer and faster walks later.

Please Note – members are expected to:

  • Comply with the Country Code.
  • Accept the leader’s authority.
  • Refrain from bringing dogs (to avoid worrying farm livestock).
  • Avoid consuming or displaying their own drinks or flasks on pub premises.


  • About 180 walks are available through each year (pandemics allowing) including two walks on each Sunday, Thursday walks, Wednesday evening walks from May to early August and occasional coach trips to areas further afield.
  • We also have weekends away and mid-week breaks in good walking areas with accommodation in hotels or Youth Hostels and usually a holiday abroad.
  • We have a full and varied Social programme.
  • As a member you will receive quarterly newsletters and event programmes.

Club Constitution and Fees

The Club has an agreed constitution and is run on a democratic basis with a committee elected by members at an Annual General meeting each year. Suggestions for walks and offers of leadership are welcomed. The Club is affiliated to the Ramblers Association which helps to safeguard our rights to the countryside.

The Annual Subscription is £12 per year per person and there is a one-off Joining Fee of £10 per person or £15 per couple. Membership is open to all persons over the age of 17 and those under 17 are welcome to come along free as guests of members.

When ready to become a member please fill in the form below, and make your membership payment to:

Account name: Hanliensian Rambling Club
Account Number: 62075446
Sort Code: 60-21-59

Please clearly reference the Payee’s name, making one payment for each member or joint members. 

Person 1
Person 2 - If applying for joint membership
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